I am a landscape ecologist and knowledge engineer, and I led the development process of ontologies and vocabularies for the eLTER Research Infrastructure (ecosystem domain). As a co-chair of the RDA WG I-ADOPT, I co-developed an interoperability framework for the semantic representation of observable properties. Within ENVRI-FAIR, I lead the FAIR assessment of data and services provided by Environmental Research Infrastructures. I worked for several years as a university lecturer in GIS techniques and landscape planning at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. Since 2021, I have been working with the GO FAIR Foundation to develop the FAIR Implementation Profile approach and the M4M workshop format.
I am looking forward to meeting you
I assist researchers and institutions to go FAIR by design using FAIR Implementation Profiles (FIPs). As the lead trainer for the GO FAIR Foundation and the coordinator of the Fellows Programme I guide data stewards to become top experts in FAIR implementation.
By using FAIR semantics metadata and data can be made FAIR. As leader of the development of the I-ADOPT annotation service, I contribute to the semantic interoperability of observational data.
Is your organisation ready for Open and FAIR data?
Landscape ecologist, geographic information scientist and semantic expert.